As we head to the end of January, parents and carers begin to frantically prepare their children for back to school.
And one of the most important considerations one can make for their child is a correctly fitted backpack.
Are your school children wearing their backpacks properly?
An incorrectly packed, fitted and worn backpack is a common cause of bad posture, back pain, neck pain and/or headaches.
But the effects don’t just stop there… pain and discomfort while in class can lead to difficulty concentrating, bad behaviour and/or poor performance in exams due to pain. It can also affect ability to exercise and do well in sport!
Making sure that your child’s backpack is fitted correctly can go a long way to prevent injury and pain. It will give your child the best opportunity to do well at school both academically and in sport. Preventing injuries and creating healthy habits now will also decrease the chances of developing injuries and spinal problems later on in life!!!

Here are our Top 5 Tips for Carrying a Heavy Backpack
Ensure that both straps of the backpack are always worn, and are padded.
Make sure the backpack is the right size for your child, no wider than their chest.
The backpack shouldn't be worn any lower than the hollow of the back, with all heavy items packed closest to the spine.
Pack only essential items ensuring the backpack is no more than 10% of you childs weight, and all the zips are done up.
Secure the sternum, waist and compression straps, this will help distribute weight evenly.
Did you know we offer a FREE Back Pack Fitting service in our practice?
Bring your child in with their backpack during their next appointment and one of our Chiropractors will show you how to correctly pack it and make sure he/she is wearing it correctly.
And if your child is not currently a patient of the practice they will perform a FREE Spine and posture assessment as well!
Just call the practice on 9637 0500 or send an online enquiry to organise an appointment at your earliest convenience.